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Product Safety Notification

Notification Number


Notification Source

Safety Gate

Product Safety Notification
Notification Type

Serious risk

Risk Type

Burns, Electric shock, Fire

Risk Description

The cable is not properly anchored and is too thin. The cable could consequently overheat, leading to burns or fire. In addition, the accessible wires have inadequate insulation. As a result, the user could touch accessible live parts, which may cause an electric shock.

Product Name


Product Category

Lighting chains

Brand Name

Sub Category

Lighting chain

Product Description

Lighting chain with 100 non-replaceable blue LED lamps, with a rated voltage of 220-240V and a rated frequency of 50 Hz, 10.5 meters long, with controller unit.

Notification URL

Product Compliance Monitoring Solutions

The European Union mandates market participants to monitor product compliance as per the 2019/1020 regulation. According to this regulation, market participants have an obligation to dedicate resources to compliance monitoring.

Basedig provides services to monitor and detect potentially hazardous products on e-commerce websites and market places. Basedig collects data bases of product safety notifications, and forbidden products or substances. Basedig provides a unified access to this database and scans product descriptions on web sites to detect potential issues.

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